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All Filanthos sunscreens contain an effective uve / uvb protection system. UV rays hit the fibers of the skin thus causing premature aging. Carrot oil, rich in carotene (a precious precursor of vitamin A, which plays an important role in tissue renewal) is useful against sunburn.

Vitamin E, known for its antioxidant action, also counteracts the harmful action of

free radicals.

Easily absorbed creamy emulsions.

With high percentages of shea butter, jojoba oil, hyaluronic acid and peptides.

All packs of 200 ml

Among the other functional ingredients we find:

Jojoba oil (Simmondsia chinensis oil): Jojoba oil has an emollient and protective function.

Aloe juice from organic farming (Aloe barbadensis leaf juice *): Aloe juice has a positive soothing and refreshing function.

Beeswax (Cera alba): Beeswax has emollient and film-forming properties; it is useful in the treatment of dry and irritable skin, characterized by an insufficient hydrolipidic mantle. Beeswax helps to replenish the lipids naturally present on the surface of the stratum corneum, helping the skin to regain its physiological barrier function.

Allantoin (Allantoin): Allantoin is present in nature especially in the comfrey (herbaceous plant with the scientific name of Symphytum officinale). It is active as a moisturizing, anti-reddening, soothing agent.

Calendula extract from organic farming (Calendula officinalis extract *): The calendula extract has a soothing, anti-reddening and healing function.

Mallow extract from organic farming (Malva sylvestris extract *): The mallow extract is rich in mucilage, tannins and anthocyanins (malvin and malvidin); it has soothing, emollient and refreshing functions.

Chamomile extract from organic farming (Chamomilla recutita extract *): Chamomile extract has anti-reddening and soothing functions.

Sun Protections

PriceFrom โ‚ฌ22.00
  • Tra gli altri ingredienti Funzionali troviamo: 

    Olio di jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis oil): Lโ€™olio di jojoba ha funzione emolliente e protettiva.

    Succo di aloe da Agricoltura Biologica (Aloe barbadensis leaf juice *): Il succo dโ€™aloe svolge una positiva funzione lenitiva e rinfrescante.

    Cera dโ€™api (Cera alba): La cera dโ€™api ha proprietร  emollienti e filmogene; รจ utile nel trattamento delle pelli secche ed irritabili, caratterizzate da un mantello idrolipidico insufficiente. La cera dโ€™api contribuisce a ricostituire i lipidi naturalmente presenti sulla superficie della strato corneo aiutando la pelle a riacquistare la sua fisiologica funzione barriera.

    Allantoina (Allantoin): Lโ€™allantoina รจ presente in natura soprattutto nella Consolida (pianta erbacea con il nome scientifico di Symphytum officinale). Eโ€™ attiva come idratante, disarrossante, lenitivo.

    Estratto di calendula da Agricoltura Biologica (Calendula officinalis extract *): Lโ€™estratto di calendula ha funzione lenitiva, disarrossante, cicatrizzante.

    Estratto di malva da Agricoltura Biologica (Malva sylvestris extract *): Lโ€™estratto di malva รจ ricco in mucillagini, tannini e antocianine (malvina e malvidina); ha funzione lenitive, emollienti e rinfrescanti.

    Estratto di camomilla da Agricoltura Biologica (Chamomilla recutita extract *): Lโ€™estratto di camomilla ha funzioni disarrossanti e lenitive.

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